Projects > Land Bank and Housing Infrastructure
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The project considers the participation of Desarrollo País in the Emergency Housing Plan (PEH) promoted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development in Chile, with the purpose of acquiring land suitable for housing and transferring it to the Housing and Urban Development Service (SERVIU) for the construction of housing projects aimed at reducing the housing deficit in the country.
Land acquisitions can be conducted through direct sales or through expropriation ordered by the Ministry of Public Works on behalf of and for Desarrollo País, in accordance with Article 14 of Law N°21,082. Desarrollo País is expected to be able to purchase the land and sell it to SERVIU within three years, an operation that would generate some return on investment for the Company. Desarrollo País is expected to, together with the purchase of the land, enter into Promise to Purchase Contracts with SERVIU.
Suecia 0155 of. 1101, Providencia, Santiago, Chile
Desarrollo País / Fondo Infraestructura S.A.